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Everything you need to know to negotiate your salary

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Discussing salary issues can often be tricky, especially when you’re in front of a recruiter. Nevertheless, it’s a key step in the job interview process.

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Swiss HRM from a French perspective

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With its minimalist labor code, high wages, absence of union disputes and full employment, Switzerland seems to be the antithesis of France. As part of their HR Master’s program, 20 French HR professionals visited Switzerland in the spring of 2024. They found six structural differences.

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Putting an end to the color of foosball

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Taking action on corporate health requires us to take into account the institutional culture, processual complexity and historical dimension of our economy. Ignore this in-depth reflection, and you run the risk of putting plasters on wooden legs. (article in French)

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Sublimating the paradoxes that imprison us

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“Our era is paradoxical. On the networks, we preach the virtues of psychological security; but at the same time, fear seems to envelop us in its gloomy mantle: war is on our doorstep, century-old institutions are disappearing and a feeling of precariousness is taking hold. In companies, we hear talk of benevolence, happiness in the […]

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When recruitment plays it cool

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“Faced with a shortage of manpower, some companies are trying to attract candidates using original methods, but which may raise questions.” (in french)

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Employee feedback: a goldmine too often untapped

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Incorporating employees’ ideas into an organisation’s strategy is not something that can be taken for granted. It is as much a question of corporate culture as of the processes to be developed to encourage free speech. (in french)

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CSR, or corporate social responsibility, is too often used as a cover for inaction.

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Consultant and former head of human resources at a private bank, Stéphane Haefliger denounces the psychologising of corporate health. And he is astonished by the retreat of the HR function at a time when companies are having to deal with the scars left by the pandemic. (in french)

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Summer as a metaphor for a successful career

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“Summer is slowly and quietly settling in. With it come the endless festivals, brunches of all kinds and outdoor sporting competitions – the trails. These three specific moments (the concert, the meal, the endurance) seem to us to be a powerful summer metaphor for a successful professional career. Let’s take a look at these principles […]

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Three hopes for the youth of our time

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“What a time! You are 18 years old. But who cares about you, the youth of our time? Covid-19 has robbed you of two years of flirting with life, during which you learnt about the world with a mask on your nose and gel on your hands. Travel and aperitifs: nada. Online courses with teachers […]

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Completely true and completely false advice

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I was told a long time ago: “Beware of students, of those who read too much and love theory, it’s only the concrete that counts. Then I was told: “If you don’t know German, you’re dead in Switzerland. Work on your Wortschatz and your vocabulary”. I was also told: “If you study soft sciences, you’ll […]

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