Positive Assessment Experience Correlates with Positive Job Attitude

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Selecting individuals to hire or promote can be a challenging task. It is essential for organizations to utilize fair, objective as well as effective hiring, and professional development methods. assessment centers do not evaluate employees’ past performance; they evaluate their potential for
future performance.

Many researchers have noted that assessment centers have a positive impact on managers’ performance. An individual who has a positive perception of an assessment center experiences high job satisfaction or strong organizational commitment. Full article : The International Journal of Human Resource Management (stocker)

Assessment centers can be used as a tool not only to select capable candidates, but also to yield positive effects on organizational members’ job attitudes.

Vicario Consulting holds the quality label SQS-Swissassessment. Candidates undergoing assessments according to our tactfully constructive yet rigourously insightful approach have rated us _____ (n= ____).