Employee Turnover is Not Always All Bad

Classified under: Articles and readings, Blog Employee Turnover is Not Always All Bad Goodbye

At times letting employees go might be necessary. Despite the high costs of replacing them.

Accurately calculating the net gain – from a human and performance perspective – helps to justify turnover. Traditional HR metrics often focus on the costly resources invested in hiring and onboarding individual replacements. However, a more systemic approach also factors in the increased productivity and improved morale of the entire team. For instance, think of a high achieving company “rock star” who happens to generate a toxic atmosphere. Should you tolerate dysfunctional behavior for the sake of the bottom line? Full article : Inc.com

When constructive, collaborative and patient measures prove ineffective, there may be no other choice than to terminate the employment relationship. For 20 years now, Vicario Consulting has looked at the broader picture when helping clients deal with specific performance or behavioral concerns. Often, situations are more complex than they initially appear. This is why garnering a nuanced and meta comprehension of any personnel issue is the first step towards a better resolution. Read more